Scientific equipment

  1. Video spectrometer (hyperspectral system) based on acousto-optic tunable filters

    Brand: “AOVC-IK”
    Manufacturer: NTsUP RAS
    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2017
    Device purpose: Registration of spectral images and hyperspectral data. Spectral visualization of object structures. Video spectrometry (spectrometry with spatial resolution). Determination of spectra of image elements.


  2. Hardware complex for laser visualization in the mid-IR range

    Manufacturer: INSCIENCE
    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2019
    Device purpose: The hardware complex is designed for visualization of micro- and macro-objects in the mid-IR range using various methods of spatially modulated illumination.


  3. High-power supercontinuum generation system

    Brand: ROCK 400 2
    Manufacturer: LEUKOS
    Country of origin: France
    Year of manufacture: 2020
    Device purpose: The high-power supercontinuum generation system is intended for generating high-power pulsed radiation with a wide spectral range.


  4. Near-infrared camera

    Brand: GOLDEYE G-032 COOL TEC2
    Manufacturer: Allied Vision
    Country of origin: Germany
    Year of manufacture: 2020
    Device purpose: Low-noise near-infrared camera for imaging for research purposes.


  5. MathWorks MATLAB 2021

    Brand: R2021
    Manufacturer: MathWorks
    Country of origin: United States of America
    Year of manufacture: 2021
    Device purpose: Software for analyzing experiment results and performing calculations.


  6. Ultrafast terahertz radiation detector

    Manufacturer: LLC “MVAVE”
    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Registration of terahertz radiation with high sensitivity and speed.


  7. Camera for visualizing terahertz radiation

    Brand: Tera-256
    Manufacturer: LLC “MVAVE”
    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Visualization of terahertz radiation for various research tasks.


  8. Stand for assembly and adjustment of acousto-optic cells

    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Assembly and adjustment of acousto-optic cells for spectroscopic studies.


  9. Digital metallographic inverted microscope

    Brand: MET1C
    Manufacturer: LLC “ALTAМИ”
    Country of origin: People’s Republic of China (PRC)
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Investigation of the structure and properties of metallic materials at the microscopic level.


  10. Radiator absolute black body

    Brand: ACHT
    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Reference radiation source for calibration of infrared measuring devices.


  11. Monochromator

    Brand: M266i -IV
    Country of origin: Belarus
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Dispersion of light into spectral components for investigating the spectral characteristics of materials.


  12. Broadband fiber source

    Brand: SCLS-PS-VIS
    Manufacturer: Individual entrepreneur ZOTOV
    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Generation of broadband radiation for spectroscopic studies.


  13. Near-IR camera

    Brand: MQ022HG-IM- SM5X5-NIR2
    Manufacturer: JSC “LLC”
    Country of origin: Germany
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Image acquisition in the near-infrared range for research purposes.


  14. Broadband video camera in the visible and near-infrared range

    Brand: SWIR1300KMA
    Country of origin: People’s Republic of China (PRC)
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Video recording in the visible and near-infrared ranges for research tasks.


  15. Oscilloscope

    Brand: MSO8104
    Manufacturer: RIGOL
    Country of origin: People’s Republic of China (PRC)
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Measurement and visualization of electrical signals.


  16. Nanosecond laser

    Brand: QC 120
    Manufacturer: LLC NPC “ELS-94”
    Country of origin: Belarus
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Generation of nanosecond laser pulses for spectroscopic studies.


  17. Laboratory-instrument box

    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Sample preparation for spectroscopic studies.


  18. Digital synchronous amplifier

    Brand: DX-001C
    Country of origin: People’s Republic of China (Taiwan)
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Signal amplification for synchronization and temporal analysis.


  19. Optical table on vibration-isolating base

    Manufacturer: LLC “VIKON”
    Country of origin: Lithuania
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Providing a stable and vibration-isolated working surface for optical experiments.


  20. Micromanipulator – injector

    Brand: MX130
    Manufacturer: Siskiyou
    Country of origin: United States of America
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Manipulation of micro samples and injections in microscopy.


  21. Optical table on vibration-isolating base

    Manufacturer: LLC “Lassard”
    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Providing a vibration-isolated working surface for optical experiments.


  22. Digital signal synthesis and analysis module

    Manufacturer: LLC “INTEF”
    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Digital synthesis and analysis of signals for spectroscopic studies.


  23. Motorized sample positioning system

    Manufacturer: LLC “C3TOFOTONICS”
    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2022
    Device purpose: Precise positioning of samples for optical and spectroscopic studies.


  24. Multichannel digital system for recording fast processes

    Brand: DS70504
    Manufacturer: Tektronix
    Country of origin: People’s Republic of China (PRC)
    Year of manufacture: 2023
    Device purpose: Recording fast processes with high accuracy and resolution.


  25. Spectrometer ATR5020R

    Brand: ATP5020
    Manufacturer: Optosky
    Country of origin: People’s Republic of China (PRC)
    Year of manufacture: 2023
    Device purpose: Analysis of spectral characteristics of materials and substances.


  26. Broadband optical radiation source

    Brand: XWS-65 OFR FCU SP A
    Manufacturer: LLC “Troitsk Engineering Center”
    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2023
    Device purpose: Generation of broadband optical radiation for spectroscopic studies.


  27. High-frequency signal generator

    Brand: DSG3065B-IQ
    Manufacturer: Rigol
    Country of origin: People’s Republic of China (PRC)
    Year of manufacture: 2023
    Device purpose: Generation of high-frequency signals for spectroscopic and radio-frequency studies.


  28. Spectrofluorometer for measuring liquid, solid, and bulk samples

    Manufacturer: Lumex Group
    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2023
    Device purpose: Measurement of fluorescent characteristics of various samples.


  29. High-sensitivity video camera

    Brand: BigEye4200KME
    Manufacturer: Touptek
    Country of origin: People’s Republic of China (PRC)
    Year of manufacture: 2023
    Device purpose: High-sensitivity video recording for scientific and research purposes.


  30. Biological inverted microscope NIB-FL

    Brand: NIB-FL
    Manufacturer: Zhejiang NADE Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd
    Country of origin: People’s Republic of China (PRC)
    Year of manufacture: 2023
    Device purpose: Biological research and analysis of microstructures.


  31. Spectrally tunable integrating sphere

    Brand: FT-2300-W
    Manufacturer: Labsphere
    Country of origin: People’s Republic of China (PRC)
    Year of manufacture: 2023
    Device purpose: Spectral measurements and calibration of optical instruments.


  32. Module for conducting polarization measurements for high-resolution magneto-optics for hardware-software complex for studying the electrophysical parameters of objects with high spatial resolution

    Manufacturer: LLC “NT-MDT”
    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2023
    Device purpose: Polarization measurements and investigation of electrophysical parameters with high resolution.


  33. Automatic grinding-polishing machine for sample preparation

    Brand: SemiPOL
    Manufacturer: Trojan
    Country of origin: People’s Republic of China (PRC)
    Year of manufacture: 2023
    Device purpose: Grinding and polishing of samples for microscopic studies.


  34. Installation for laser processing of experimental samples

    Brand: FB30
    Manufacturer: Wattsan
    Country of origin: People’s Republic of China (PRC)
    Year of manufacture: 2023
    Device purpose: Laser processing and modification of experimental samples.


  35. Electron-optical camera for spectroscopy with temporal resolution

    Brand: TRC411-S-GS-F
    Manufacturer: PCO
    Country of origin: Germany
    Year of manufacture: 2023
    Device purpose: Spectroscopy with temporal resolution and recording of fast processes.


  36. Installation for laser welding and cladding

    Country of origin: Russia
    Year of manufacture: 2023
    Device purpose: Laser welding and cladding of materials for scientific and industrial purposes.


  37. Raman microscope ATR8300BS

    Brand: ATR8300BS
    Manufacturer: Optosky
    Country of origin: People’s Republic of China (PRC)
    Year of manufacture: 2023
    Device purpose: Raman spectroscopy for analysis of chemical composition and structure of materials.